Dental Implants

Recapture your smile.

The Look & Feel of Natural Teeth

Dental implants have become the most reliable and safe method of replacing a single, multiple or complete set of teeth. Treatment plans are generated based on information gained through dental history, intra-oral examination, study models, radiographs and dental CT scans. Implants help maintain facial shape and stop bone degeneration when teeth are missing.

The loss of one or more teeth can have a major impact on the function and shape of your mouth and the appearance of your smile:

A dental implant is made from titanium. It bonds to the jaw, much like the root of a natural tooth and permanently replaces a lost tooth. Dental implants are suitable to anyone in good general health. They are put in place during a simple surgical procedure done under local anesthetic.

Imagine being able to smile broadly instead of hiding your teeth. Imagine biting into a crunchy apple without worry. Dental implants can give you the confidence and healthy smile you have always wanted. Talk to us today to learn more.

Things To Consider Before You Get A Dental Implant

If you are considering dental implants, your gums need to be examined carefully, and your dentist should review your medical history and dental records. For those whose mouth is unsuitable for dental implants, methods for enhancing results, including bone grafting, are often advised.

Most dental implants and bone grafting can be done in the office under local anesthesia, without general anesthesia.

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